Beach Braai 'n Beatz 南非沙灘趴 2024
2024/11/09 (六)
15:00 ~ 23:00
Cijin Sunset Bar
No. 1050, Qijin 3rd Road, Qijin Beach, Kaohsiung
🗓️ Braai packs are only available through pre-order, please book and pay by 01 November 2024.
✅ The following are included (for DIY Braai customers):
~ Paper plate, and single-use cutlery for your braai meat pack.
~ Communal braai grills (with charcoal fire) and a communal seating area for you to braai your own Meat Packs.
🔥 You may borrow our communal grills and tongs and show off your great Braaimaster skills!
🙏 Please take care of the equipment and be considerate to others at the communal seating area.
~ 烤肉組合包括肉類、燒烤夾及一次性餐具。
~ 您可以與大家共享現場的燒烤用具並嚴禁攜帶其他食材佔用燒烤區,造成不便敬請見諒。
NB* Braai Meat Packs cannot be purchased on the day.
Only Braai Meat Packs that have been Pre-Ordered and Paid for by 2024/11/01 can be collected on the day at the DIY Braai Area.
Red Meat Braai pack
NT$380 each (includes "Free Admission" for 1 person) 🎟️
DIY烤肉 : 紅肉組
一組紅肉 = NT$ 380.00 (包含1人免費入場費用) 🎟️

Description: One red meat braai pack that you can DIY braai (bbq).
Ingredients: 1x beef steak, 1x lamb chop, 1x boerewors (South African sausage).
Marinaded with a South African dry rub!
•說明:一組紅肉燒烤組 (含南非香料)
Please pre-order and pay for your braai packs by:
2024/11/01 前預訂
White Meat Braai pack
NT$280 each (includes "Free Admission" for 1 person) 🎟️
DIY 烤肉: 白肉組
一組白肉 = NT $280.00 (包含1人免費入場費用) 🎟️

Description: One white meat braai pack that you can DIY braai (bbq).
Ingredients: 1x Pork banger, 1x Pork belly, 2x Chicken wings.
Marinaded with a South African dry rub!
•說明:一組白肉燒烤組 (含南非香料)
Please pre-order and pay for your braai packs by:
2024/11/01 前預訂
Calculate how many Meat packs you want to order and the Total cost (Red Meat Packs @NT$300 each/ White Meat Packs @NT$250 each).第一步:計算您的肉品數量及總費用。
Step 2:
Make payment via ATM or Bank Transfer.
(Remember the Total Remittance Amount and last four digits of your Bank Account) 第二步:透過ATM或銀行轉帳進行安全付款。
Step 3:
Place your order at this link below
(Input the Total Remittance Amount, remittance date and last four digits of your Bank Account) 第三步:使用提供的連結在線訂購肉品組合,包括總匯款金額和您的銀行帳戶後四碼。
NB* Please Pay and Register your braai meat packs by:
2024/11/01 前預訂
Bank details:
~ Bank code 銀行:
808 (E SUN 玉山銀行)
~ Account number 帳號:
~ Account name 戶名:
Pangea International Co. Ltd.

P.S. Don't forget there are also other event interactives
別忘記當日還有其他活動可以參加喔 !